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Do One Thing Every Day to Simplify Your Life: A Journal (Do One Thing Every Day Journals)
by Robie Rogge Author and Dian G. Smith Author
This book contains 365 prompts and quotes to help you declutter your life and focus on the important aspects. Part of…
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1 Minute Journal: Take a Moment. Write It Down.
by Robie Rogge Author
What can you say in 60 seconds a day? Flip over the small hourglass that comes with this book and write until the time…
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Do One Thing Every Morning to Make Your Day
by Robie Rogge Author and Dian G. Smith Author
Use this guided journal every morning to set your intentions and goals for the rest of your day. By focusing on what you…
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Do One Thing Every Day That Makes You Happy: A Journal
by Robie Rogge Author and Dian G. Smith Author
This neat little journal is the perfect place to put down what made your day worth it, and comes with cute quotes and…
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Do One Thing Every Day Together: A Journal for Two
by Robie Rogge Author and Dian Smith Author
Filled with an array of quotes and thought-provoking prompts, this journal-for-two will help you deepen your connection…
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