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Since traveling to India and meeting his guru Maharajji, Ram Dass has led a dharmic life and become a huge spiritual influence. He's practiced and taught many spiritual methods, including Buddhist meditation, Sufi and Jewish mystical studies, bhakti, and karma yoga. Prior to his India trip, he was psychologist and psychedelic pioneer at Harvard. He has also founded the nonprofit foundation the Hanuman Foundation and cofounded the Seva Foundation. He lives in Maui.

Walking Each Other Home: Conversations on Loving and Dying
by Mirabai Bush Author and Ram Dass Author
A gorgeous, illustrated book about coming to terms with death. We all die, and for most of us that's a terrifying…
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Being Ram Dass
by Ram Dass Author, Rameshwar Das Author and Anne Lamott Foreword
Ram Dass shares his journey from privileged child to renegade Harvard psychedelics researcher to beloved spiritual icon,…
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Be Here Now
by Ram Dass Author
One man's transformation upon his acceptance of the principles of Yoga and gives a modern restatement of the importance…
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