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Why We Write About Ourselves: Twenty Memoirists on Why They Expose Themselves (and Others) in the Name of Literature

by Meredith Maran Author, Jesmyn Ward Contributor, Cheryl Strayed Contributor, Sue Monk Kidd Contributor and Anne Lamott Contributor

Encouragement, inspiration, and practical advice for anyone who writes about their own life, in the pages of their…

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Being Ram Dass

by Ram Dass Author, Rameshwar Das Author and Anne Lamott Foreword

Ram Dass shares his journey from privileged child to renegade Harvard psychedelics researcher to beloved spiritual icon,…

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Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

by Anne Lamott Author

This book is for those of us who look and get lost in the big picture, the hazy grey skies above us. Those of us who…


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