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Nicholas Culpeper (18 October 1616 – 10 January 1654) was an English botanist, herbalist, physician and astrologer. His book, The English Physician (1652, later Complete Herbal, 1653 ff.), is a source of pharmaceutical and herbal lore of the time, and Astrological Judgement of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the Sick (1655) was one of the most detailed works on medical astrology in Early Modern Europe. (*Bio from Wikipedia)

Culpeper’s Guide to the Properties, Virtues, and Uses of Herbs and Their Leaves
by Nicholas Culpeper Author
Seventeenth-century herbalist Nicholas Culpeper catalogs herbs according to which part to use—the root, the bark, the…
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Culpeper’s Guide to the Properties, Virtues, and Uses of Fruits, Seeds, Flowers, Juices, Stones and Other Natural Medicines
by Nicholas Culpeper Author
Seventeenth-century herbalist Nicholas Culpeper catalogs herbs according to which part to use—the root, the bark, the…
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Culpeper's Guide to the Properties, Virtues, and Uses of Barks, Roots, Woods, and Other Natural Medicines
by Nicholas Culpeper Author
Seventeenth-century herbalist Nicholas Culpeper catalogs herbs according to which part to use—the root, the bark, the…
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Culpeper's Guide to Gathering: Drying and Preserving Herbs and Making Syrups, Poultices, and Other Compounds
by Nicholas Culpeper Author
Nicholas Culpeper explains how to prepare herbs as medicines in both simple and compound form—from drying herbs,…
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Green Witch Starter Pack
by Friday Gladheart Author, Super Pack! Author, Katie Haegele Author, Nadine Schneider Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Nicholas Culpeper Author and Sage Liskey Author
Store buyers, here's a quick way to build out a display or endcap for pagan herbalists, or just add some of Microcosm's…
$300.00 $150.00

Culpeper's Complete Astrology: The Lost Art of Astrological Medicine
by Nicholas Culpeper Author, Alice Sparkly Kat Foreword and Judith Hill Foreword
Delve into the astrological wisdom of Nicholas Culpeper, the 17th-century herbalist and astrologer whose writing about…
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Culpeper's Complete Herbal: A Compendium of Herbs and Their Uses, Annotated for Modern Herbalists, Healers, and Witches
by Nicholas Culpeper Author and JJ Pursell Contributor
Description of Microcosm's Fall 2022 edition: For the last 350 years, since the reign of Elizabeth I, Nicholas…
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