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Judith Hill is an astrologer, herbalist, and award winning author of thirteen books including the classics Medical Astrology, A Guide to Planetary Pathology, The Astrological Body Types, Medical Astrology in Action, and Medical Astrology for Health Practitioners. She founded The Academy for Astrological Medicine and many original courses, including Medical Astrology 101, and created The Renaissance Medicine Conferences. Hill served as the Educational Director for the San Francisco NCGR. She is also an internationally recognized pioneer of astro-seismic and astro-genetics research, and served as a private assistant to physicist Arthur Young at The Institute for the Study of Consciousness. Hill is a Chartered Herbalist with The Dominion Herbal College and faculty with Kepler College and The Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism.

Culpeper's Complete Astrology: The Lost Art of Astrological Medicine
by Nicholas Culpeper Author, Alice Sparkly Kat Foreword and Judith Hill Foreword
Delve into the astrological wisdom of Nicholas Culpeper, the 17th-century herbalist and astrologer whose writing about…
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