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The No Worries Workbook: 124 Lists, Activities, and Prompts to Get Out of Your Head - and On with Your Life!
by Molly Burford Author
Fun exercises and activities designed to help you cope with worries and stressors in your life. Set small goals, track…
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The Modern Dating Workbook: An Interactive Approach to Finding Your True Love (While Staying True to Yourself)
by Molly Burford Author
With this helpful guide from author Molly Burford, learn how to navigate the increasingly bizarre world of dating, find…
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The Good Morning Journal: 5-Minute Guided Reflections to Start Your Day with Inspiration, Purpose, and Plan
by Molly Burford Author
If you've never used a journal before, or you're bad at making yourself write in them, this may be the journal to try.…
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Say Yes to Yourself
by Molly Burford Author
A book of simple exercises to help you believe in yourself and become a more confident and stronger person.…
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DIY Bucket List: 100+ Prompts, Lists, & Ideas for Planning the Rest--and Best--of Your Life
by Molly Burford Author
Identify and plan all the things you most want to do with this gude and workbook for making your own bucket list.…
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