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Joy of Swimming: A Celebration of Our Love for Getting in the Water
by Lisa Congdon Author and Lynne Cox Foreword
From a Portland artist, this book is all about the celebration of going for a dip, jumping in, taking the dive. From…
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Whatever You Are, Be a Good One Notebook (Set of 3)
by Lisa Congdon Author
This journal provides daily quotes from some of our greatest thinkers to inspire readers. The quotes provided on each…
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You Will Leave a Trail of Stars: Words of Inspiration for Blazing Your Own Path
by Lisa Congdon Author
In this illustrated guide to life—perfect for graduates and other seekers—acclaimed artist and educator Lisa Congdon…
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A Glorious Freedom : Older Women Leading Extraordinary Lives
by Lisa Congdon Author
It's never too late to start something amazing. Often times we don't recognize women as they grow older, to our society…
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Art Inc.: The Essential Guide for Building Your Career as an Artist
by Lisa Congdon Author, Meg Mateo Ilasco Editor, Jonathan Fields Foreword and Nikki McClure Contributor
So, you've got the skills and the creativity. Now what? This book covers everything you need to know about how to turn…
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Find Your Artistic Voice: The Essential Guide to Working Your Creative Magic
by Lisa Congdon Author
Speak your mind with your art! Make art that represents who you are! Lisa Congdon's helpful guide to visual artists will…
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20 Ways to Draw Everything: With 135 Nature Themes from Cats and Tigers to Tulips and Trees
by Lisa Congdon Illustrator, Julia Kuo Illustrator and Eloise Renouf Illustrator
This interactive sketchbook guides the reader into drawing the world around them by offering simple and unique ways to…
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