Art Inc.: The Essential Guide for Building Your Career as an Artist
by Lisa Congdon Author, Meg Mateo Ilasco Editor, Jonathan Fields Foreword and Nikki McClure Contributor
So, you've got the skills and the creativity. Now what? This book covers everything you need to know about how to turn your passion into a paycheck. A thorough, nicely illustrated guide to making a living, while offering a range of options and revenue streams, and wisely noting "there is no perfect way to be a successful artist". How to COPYRIGHT your work, how to approach galleries and/or publishers, and how to manage social media, promotion, and business, while leaving plenty of time to create and reflect. Interviews and affirmations from multiple artists who survive and thrive off their work, including Nikki McClure, Claire Desjardins, and beloved zinester Esther Pearl Watson. Bonus: HOW TO SAY NO, so you don't die of exposure. While this book is focused on visual arts, much of it applies to writers/authors.
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