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Witches, Sluts, Feminists: Conjuring the Sex Positive
by Kristen J. Sollee Author
Grab hold of your broom handles nasty women, you're in for a wild ride! The table of contents alone is worth the read:…
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Becoming Dangerous: Witchy Femmes, Queer Conjurers, and Magical Rebels
by Katie West Editor, Jasmine Elliott Editor and Kristen J. Sollee Foreword
A collection of essays about rituals, magic and taking power in a world that would have you powerless. The world may be…
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Witch Hunt: A Traveler's Guide to the Power and Persecution of the Witch
by Kristen J. Sollee Author
Traveling through cities and sites across Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States,…
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Light Magic for Dark Times: More than 100 Spells, Rituals, and Practices for Coping in a Crisis
by Lisa Marie Basile Author and Kristen J. Sollee Author
Your everyday practical spells covered, from "Dealing with Trauma" to "Identity and Body," you'll find more that a few…
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Cat Call: Reclaiming the Feral Feminine (An Untamed History of the Cat Archetype in Myth and Magic)
by Kristen J. Sollee Author and Pam Grossman Foreword
Explore your wild side and embrace the feline feminine with this new book from the writer of Witches, Sluts, Feminists.…
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