Light Magic for Dark Times: More than 100 Spells, Rituals, and Practices for Coping in a Crisis
by Lisa Marie Basile Author and Kristen J. Sollee Author
Your everyday practical spells covered, from "Dealing with Trauma" to "Identity and Body," you'll find more that a few applicable spells and rituals that can help you with life's general highs and low (or, as this book puts it "light and darkness"). And you'll be getting all this info from Lisa Marie Basile, who knows a thing or two about being a witch, having other publications with the topic, including the Luna Luna magazine and Witches, Sluts, Feminists. On top of it all, the book has a great matte-finish feel and a hardcover, so it'll look great sitting up next to all you're other spell books. Whether you're a grade-A witch, or just looking for forms of coping, Light Magic for Dark Times has a thing or two to help you in your own personal journey.
Got the itch to be a witch? Check out our other witchy titles!
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