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Kim Pezza writes about farming and working with livestock in your back yard. She also practices bronze stenciling and other old crafts and teaches workshops. She likes cooking and silent movies.

Backyard Farming: Home Harvesting: Canning and Curing, Pickling and Preserving Vegetables, Fruits and Meats
by Kim Pezza Author
Do you have some food? Do you want to keep that food around, and then eat it later? Are you nodding? That's cute, but…
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Backyard Farming: Growing Vegetables & Herbs: From Planting to Harvesting and More
by Kim Pezza Author
A bountiful vegetable garden is a mainstay of the backyard farm; when done right, it can form the foundation for all…
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Backyard Farming: Canning & Preserving: Over 75 Recipes for the Homestead Kitchen
by Kim Pezza Author
It's the end of the season and you've got a whole gardens-worth of produce and a tummy full of the stuff; what to do…
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Backyard Farming: Keeping Honey Bees: From Hive Management to Honey Harvesting and More
by Kim Pezza Author
Have you ever sat near a honeybee hive? It is the most intriguing and peaceful thing -- after the initial instinctual…
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Backyard Farming: Growing Herbs for Food and Medicine
by Kim Pezza Author
A brief history of herb use, descriptions of many herbs and how to grow and use them, a guide to preserving herbs, and…
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Backyard Farming: Raising Pigs
by Kim Pezza Author
An accessible, affordable guide to raising pigs at home or on your farm. This and more can all be learned from this hog…
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Backyard Farming: Homesteading: The Complete Guide to Self-Sufficiency
by Kim Pezza Author
Did you know that consumer spending on food plants is now higher, on average, than decorative plants? Did you know that…
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Backyard Farming: Raising Chickens: From Building Coops to Collecting Eggs and More
by Kim Pezza Author
A flock of feathery friends is just what you need! And now, a book about how to foster their feeble fowl…
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Backyard Farming: Fruit Trees, Berries & Nuts
by Kim Pezza Author
Whether you're growing your fruit tree, berry bush, or nut tree from a sapling, a cutting, or a seed the journey from…
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Backyard Farming: Raising Goats: For Dairy and Meat
by Kim Pezza Author
You have goat to buy this book. Especially if you want to goat out and make the world a better place. If you don't goat…
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Backyard Farming: Composting—How to Plan, Build, and Maintain Your Own Compost System for a Healthy and Vibrant Garden
by Kim Pezza Author
Give your garbage a second life. Composting is a little complicated, but Kim Pezza, author of Backyard Farming:…
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