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Greek Myths & Legends
by Steve Kershaw Author and J.K. Jackson Series Editor
Delve into the thrilling exploits of Greek and Roman mythology, featuring iconic figures like Zeus, Odysseus, Heracles,…
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Greek And Roman Myths
by J.K. Jackson Author
Delves into the powerful and passionate tales of ancient Greece and Rome, where gods and heroes faced dark forces that…
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Persian Myths & Legends
by Sahba Shayani Author and J.K. Jackson Series Editor
An enchanting introduction to the treasures of Persian literature, featuring ancient stories from legendary texts like…
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Irish Folk & Fairy Tales
by Kelly Fitzgerald Author and J.K. Jackson Series Editor
A charming selection of Irish folklore and fairytales, drawn from the rich Celtic tradition of the supernatural. The…
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Norse Myths & Legends (Collector's Edition)
by Luke John Murphy Author and J.K. Jackson Series Editor
Delve into the origins of the Viking gods, including Odin, Thor, Loki, and Freya, as well as the giants and other…
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Korean Ancient Origins (Collector's Edition)
by Stella Xu Author and J.K. Jackson Series Editor
Explore the rich and unique history of Korea, from its Neolithic beginnings to its modern identity. The early history is…
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Indian Ancient Origins
by Roshen Dalal Author and J.K. Jackson Series Editor
An insightful introduction to the history of India, tracing its origins from the 8th millennium BCE. The early…
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Myths & Legends
by J.K. Jackson Editor
This book compiles many legends from eight different traditions — some Native American tribes, Chinese, Celtic,…
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Serbian Folktales (FT 451)
by J.K. Jackson Series Editor and Margaret H. Beissinger Foreword
Serbian folklore showcases heroic, poetic tales that reflect the proud nature of ancient South Slavic peoples. These…
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Central African Folklore (FT 451)
by Enongene Mirabeau Sone Author and J.K. Jackson Series Editor
This collection brings together a vibrant selection of folktales from Central Africa, complementing the broader…
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Czech Folktales (FT 451)
by Rajendra Chitnis Author and J.K. Jackson Series Editor
A vibrant glimpse into the cultural heritage of the Czech people, tracing their roots from medieval Bohemia and…
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Chinese Folktales (FT 451)
by Xiulu Wang Author, Chuanju Hu Author and J.K. Jackson Series Editor
This collection of Chinese folklore spans over three thousand years of storytelling, blending myths, legends, and fables…
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Egyptian Ancient Origins: Stories of People & Civilization
by Charlotte Booth Foreword and J.K. Jackson Editor
This book explores the origins of ancient Egyptian society and culture, looking at one of the enduring nature of the…
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Scottish Folk & Fairy Tales (Collector's Editions)
by Sarah Dunnigan Foreword and J.K. Jackson Series Editor
This collection of Scottish folk and fairy tales draws inspiration from the mystical landscapes of the lochs and…
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Norse Ancient Origins: Stories of People & Civilization
by Beth Rogers Foreword and J.K. Jackson Editor
For people interested in ancient Norse myth and legend, this looks at the gods of Asgard and their legends. Notably this…
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Egyptian Myths & Tales (Gothic Fantasy)
by J.K. Jackson Series Editor
This special collection brings together selected excerpts from the novels and short stories of Mary Shelley, with a…
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Greek Ancient Origins (Collector's Edition)
by J.K. Jackson Author
This volume explores the origins and evolution of Ancient Greek civilization, tracing its development from the Mycenaean…
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Scottish Folk & Fairy Tales (Gothic Fantasy)
by J.K. Jackson Series Editor
This deluxe edition offers a stunning collection of Scottish folklore and fairy tales, celebrating both the highlands…
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Scottish Myths
by J.K. Jackson Author
This collection presents a rich selection of Scottish mythology, blending shared myths with Ireland and unique local…
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Hungarian Folktales (The World's Greatest Myths and Legends)
by Boglárka Klitsie-Szabad Author and J.K. Jackson Author
For lovers of myth and folklore, this book takes a dive into the lesser known mythologies of Europe — compared to the…
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Chinese Myths
by J.K. Jackson Author
Chinese mythology is a vibrant tapestry of ancient passions, featuring river gods, snake spirits, immortals, and…
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Aztec Myths
by J.K. Jackson Author
For people interested in folklore and mythology, this book covers the mythology of Mesoamerica’s last imperial…
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Korean Folktales (The World's Greatest Myths and Legends)
by Perry Miller Foreword and J.K. Jackson Editor
This book is one in the Flametree series, exploring different mythologies and folkloric story traditions from around the…
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Arthurian Myths (The World's Greatest Myths and Legends)
by J.K. Jackson Author
Another installment in the Flametree series exploring different mythologies and folklore, this book explores Arthurian…
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Japanese Ancient Origins (Collector's Edition)
by Jake Leigh-Howarth Foreword and J.K. Jackson Editor
This book is a companion to another installment in the Flametree series that explores myth and legend, this book looking…
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Southern Africa Folktales (The World's Greatest Myths and Legends)
by Enongene Mirabeau Sone Author and J.K. Jackson Author
This collection of Southern African folktales reflects the rich diversity of the region, encompassing a variety of…
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Celtic Myths & Tales
by J.K. Jackson Author
The vibrant world of Celtic legend, filled with mythic invasions, mystical kingdoms, and a host of fantastical…
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East African Folktales (World's Greatest Myths And Legends)
by J.K. Jackson Editor
Folktales and stories are a universal constant, bringing people together no matter their roots. This book contains…
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Viking Folk & Fairy Tales: Ancient Wisdom, Fables & Folklore
by J.K. Jackson Author and S. Hodge Author
For those who have read the fairy tales of northern europe such those penned by Hans Christian Andersen or the Brothers…
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African Folk & Fairy Tales: Ancient Wisdom, Fables & Folkore
by J.K. Jackson Author and Lérè Adéyẹmí Author
The legends collected across the continent of Africa are delightful and ingenious to readers of all ages.…
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