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Fly is an artist and squatter in New York City's Lower East Side.

Patch #254: Squat the Heart

Patch #254Squat the Heart

by fly Author

Drawn by Fly, an original 1970s squatter in New York City, this patch expresses solidarity with those making better use…


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DIY Zines and Comix: A Sorta "How To"

by fly Author

Fly walks you through creating your own zine or comic in this clear and SUPER helpful guide to everything from scripting…


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How Not To Get Arrested At a Demonstration

by Bill DiPaola Author and fly Illustrator

Remember that 'Oh shit' moment you had at your first protest? Or maybe you've been avoiding the news and your Facebook…

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$20-30 Superpack: Protest Power Tools

by Bill DiPaola Author, Lisa Loving Author, Dan Méndez Moore Author, fly Author, Sarah Friedman Author and Harold H Thompson Author

Be prepared when you hit the streets. These three zines and two books will arm you with vital skills, perspective, and…

$33.85 $25.00

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Neurodivergent Pride #6: Masking

by Joe Biel Editor, Eliot Daughtry Contributor, Niko Boskovic Contributor, Vanessa Blanchard Contributor and fly Illustrator

The third installment of this zine series about what it means to be neurodiverse, and what the neurodiverse experience…


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The Sketchy Life of a Fly

by fly Author

A collection of illustrated one-page (give or take) snippets regarding activism and speeches that the author has…


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Live Through This: On Creativity and Self-Destruction

by Sabrina Chap Author, bell hooks Contributor, Inga Muscio Contributor, Eileen Myles Contributor, Kate Bornstein Contributor, 5 more

A cool anthology of art and writing by women who find creative power in their deepest troubles. Do you have to have a…

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