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No! Against Adult Supremacy
by bell hooks Contributor, Emma Goldman Contributor, Aya de Leon Contributor and Peter Gelderloos Author
Why should children have no rights? Adults are running the world poorly, so why do we let them continue? This…
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The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love
by bell hooks Author
Everyone needs to love and be loved -- even men. But to know love, men must be able to look at the ways that patriarchal…
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All About Love: New Visions
by bell hooks Author
Here, at her most provocative and intensely personal, the renowned scholar, cultural critic, and feminist skewers our…
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Communion: The Female Search for Love
by bell hooks Author
Renowned visionary and theorist bell hooks began her exploration of the meaning of love in American culture with the…
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Happy to Be Nappy
by bell hooks Author and Chris Raschka Author
With cute watercolor illustrations and simple rhyming phrases, this short children's board book can help you and your…
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Be Boy Buzz
by bell hooks Author and Chris Raschka Author
Challenging gender roles and encouraging kindness and emotion in young boys, this simple board book is perfect for any…
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Skin Again
by bell hooks Author and Chris Raschka Author
Skin Again is a beautifully illustrated children's book that reads like a poem. It's about valuing one's own inner…
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Live Through This: On Creativity and Self-Destruction
by Sabrina Chap Author, bell hooks Contributor, Inga Muscio Contributor, Eileen Myles Contributor, Kate Bornstein Contributor, 5 more
A cool anthology of art and writing by women who find creative power in their deepest troubles. Do you have to have a…
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