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Emma Goldman: A Documentary History of the American Years, Volume 1: Made for America, 1890-1901

by Emma Goldman Author and Candace Falk (editor) Author

This volume reassembles the life and accomplishments of "Red" Emma Goldman through gathering some of her most notable…


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No! Against Adult Supremacy

by bell hooks Contributor, Emma Goldman Contributor, Aya de Leon Contributor and Peter Gelderloos Author

Why should children have no rights? Adults are running the world poorly, so why do we let them continue? This…


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Living My Life

by Emma Goldman Author and Miriam Brody Foreword

Born in Russia in 1869 and immigrating to America at 16, Emma Goldman played a significant role in the anarchist and…


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Sticker #252: To The Daring Belongs The Future

Sticker #252To The Daring Belongs The Future

by Emma Goldman Author

Emma Goldman never shied away from a cause or a fight. To be a true revolutionary takes serious guts. As Goldman…


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