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The Deck of Yoga
by Deepak Chopra Author and Sarah Platt-Finger Author
This illustrated deck features 50 yoga postures designed to promote full-body wellness and personal transformation.…
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Abundance: The Inner Path to Wealth
by Deepak Chopra Author
This guide offers practical advice for cultivating a sense of abundance, especially in times of fear and insecurity. It…
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Mindful Moments: Thoughts to Nourish Your Body and Soul
by Deepak Chopra Author
Our lives are full of overwhelming distractions, but pausing even for just a minute can help you center yourself and…
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Meditations and Affirmations: 64 Cards to Awaken Your Spirit
by Deepak Chopra Author
Whether you're new to meditation and mindfulness or you have a practice that you'd like to expand and deepen, these…
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Radical Kindness: The Life-Changing Power of Giving and Receiving
by Angela Santomero Author and Deepak Chopra Foreword
From the creator of Blues Clues comes this reflection on the power of kindness in this guide inspired by and connected…
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Wisdom of Insecurity
by Alan Watts Author and Deepak Chopra Foreword
Eastern philosopher and cultural revolutionary, Alan Watts explores the root of our anxieties and insecurities in this…
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