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$20 Superpack: Understand the News
by Kaycee Eckhardt Author, John Gerlach Author, Dan Méndez Moore Author, Super Pack! Author and Kristian Williams Author
There are a lot of serious issues in the world, and let's face it, scrolling through the headlines and memes isn't…
$37.00 $20.00

Red Planet: Life in Our Deserts and Hot Spots (Colors of the World)
by Moira Butterfield Author and Jonathan Woodward Illustrator
This book is a captivating exploration of some of the most resilient and adaptable animals that thrive in the harshest…
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Artistic Circles: The Inspiring Connections Between the World's Greatest Artists
by Susie Hodge Author and Sarah Papworth Illustrator
Artistic Circles is an illustrated tribute that celebrates some of the most inspired and evocative visionaries of the…
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$20 Superpack: PMS Care Package
by Isabelle Gauthier Author, Joshua Ploeg Author, Cristy C. Road Author, Emily June Street Author and Super Pack! Author
Feeling crampy? Irritable? Exhausted? Like your uterus is trying to reach up and throttle you with your own fallopian…
$43.00 $20.00

$30 Superpack: Cleveland Stories
by Nick Perry Author, Super Pack! Author, Jason Look Author, Joe Biel Author, Eric Sandy Author and Ken Blaze Author
Ah, Cleveland. Chronically misunderstood, underappreciated, and lost in the shuffle with the other Ohio cities that…
$44.85 $30.00

The Indian Way: Chickasaws
by Dorothy Milligan Author and Chickasaw Historical Society Author
The Chickasaw Historical Society presents this abridged version of the original 1976 publication. In The Indian Way,…
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