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Nature and Me: A guide to the joys and excitements of the outdoors
by The School of Life Author, Tyla Mason Illustrator and Alain de Botton Editor
Encourages children to explore and appreciate nature while highlighting its benefits for emotional well-being. Learn how…
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A Replacement for Religion
by The School of Life Author
This examines how the positive aspects of religion can be adapted to enrich modern life, even for those who may not…
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Screen-Free Fun
by The School of Life Author and Alain de Botton Author
This book offers 80 imaginative games and activities to engage and entertain without screens. From drawing and inventing…
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A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons from the School of Life
by Alain de Botton Author
So you went through some hard times, and you're looking for a way to recover, build resilience, and just ease your…
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The Good Enough Parent: How to Raise Contented, Interesting, and Resilient Children
by The School of Life Author
Parenting is stressful enough without worrying about getting it perfectly right all the time. In this book, you'll learn…
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Mind & Body: Mental Exercises for Physical Wellbeing, Physical Exercises for Mental Wellbeing
by The School of Life Author
The mind-body problem is a philosophical problem dating back millennia. Are we our bodies or our minds? Is the mind…
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What They Forgot To Teach You At School: Essential emotional lessons needed to thrive
by Alain de Botton Author and Andrei Verioti Author
Why, despite all the lessons we sat through in school, were we never taught the really important things that dominate…
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The Couples Workbook: Homework to Help Love Last
by The School of Life Author and Alain de Botton Editor
Love is a skill, not just an emotion—and in order for us to get good at it, we have to practice, as we would in any…
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Anxiety: Meditations on the Anxious Mind
by The School of Life Author and Alain de Botton Editor
More than most of us realize, we are deeply anxious; there is so much that worries us across our days and nights, like…
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The School of Life Guide to Modern Manners: How to navigate the dilemmas of social life
by Alain de Botton Editor
A helpful and in-depth guide to navigating socially difficult situations. Unsure how to disengage from a conversation…
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How to Think More Effectively: A Guide to Greater Productivity, Insight, and Creativity
by The School of Life Author and Alain de Botton Editor
We know that our minds are capable of great things because, every now and then, they come out with a brilliant idea or…
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Big Ideas for Curious Minds: An Introduction to Philosophy
by The School of Life Author
Do you have a curious kid who asks a lot of questions? If so, this book has some answers straight from the mouth of…
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Relationships (School of Life)
by The School of Life Author
Taking a rather academic approach to the art of adult relationships, this sturdy School of Life volume includes chapters…
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Arguments (School of Life)
"An average couple will have between thirty and fifty significant arguments a year." This little, weighty book shows us…
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