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Black Punk Now
by Chris L. Terry Author and James Spooner Author
Told through comics, illustrations, fiction, and nonfiction, this anthology dives into the history of punk, through the…
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Touching the Art
by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore Author
“Art is never just art, it is a history of feeling, a gap between sensations, a safety valve, an escape hatch, a…
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The CIA's Greatest Hits
by Mark Zepezauer Author
This book explains in simple chapters and cartoons how the CIA: Hired very high ranking Nazi war criminals, shields them…
$13.95 1 comment
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Shotgun Seamstress: An Anthology
by Osa Atoe Author
In 2006, Osa Atoe was the only Black kid at the punk show in Portland, and created her now-legendary zine Shotgun…
$40.00 1 comment
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Fizz: 80 Joyful Cocktails and Mocktails for Every Occasion
Fizzy mixers can create mocktails and cocktails that add a little sparkle to any occasion! This guide contains 80 simple…
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A Girl's Guide to Personal Hygiene: True Stories Illustrated
Men sweat but women glisten. Men fart but women fluff. Why are natural functions for women considered so gross? Tallulah…
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Black Cool: One Thousand Streams of Blackness
by Rebecca Walker Author
This collection of essays about what it means to be "cool," particularly in relation to Blackness, packs a punch.…
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From the Graveyard of the Arousal Industry
by Justin Pearson Author
As an adolescent, Justin Pearson moved with his mother from “Shit Creek Phoenix, AZ” to sunny San Diego after his…
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Not Your Mother's Meatloaf: A Sex Education Comic Book
by Liza Bley Author and Saiya Miller Author
Teens and adults alike will appreciate and learn a ton from this amazing sex ed comic book, Not Your Mother's Meatloaf.…
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Bad Habits: A Love Story
by Cristy C. Road Author
This novel by Cristy Road is mostly text, with a big helping of illustrations throughout. In the story, Carmencita moves…
$14.95 1 comment
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Please Feed Me: A Punk Vegan Cookbook
by Niall McGuirk Author
Comprising over 150 vegan recipes and anecdotes from some of the bands that played at the over 200 shows booked by…
$15.95 5 comments
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