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Fire and Flood: A People's History of Climate Change, from 1979 to the Present
by Eugene Linden Author
From a seasoned climate change expert, this book offers a comprehensive analysis of our failure to address the crisis.…
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Breaking Bread with the Dead
by Alan Jacobs Author
This book explores how engaging with past writings can help us live less anxiously in the present and increase our…
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The Zen of Therapy: Uncovering a Hidden Kindness in Life
by Mark Epstein, M.D Author
Dr. Mark Epstein, a psychiatrist, explores a key component of therapy that sometimes isn’t explored in depth — the…
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The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness
by Jonathan Haidt Author
Starting in the 2010s, adolescent mental health became a crisis of epidemic proportions—and that was even before the…
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The Premonitions Bureau: A True Account of Death Foretold.
by Sam Knight Author
Back in 1966, Kathleen Middleton woke up feeling like something terrible was brewing. An hour later, disaster struck…
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Nose Dive: A Field Guide to the World's Smells
by Harold McGee Author
Brought to us by the award-winning author, Harold McGee, Nose Dive, is a fascinating exploration of history, food, and…
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The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy: What Animals on Earth Reveal About Aliens—and Ourselves
by Arik Kershenbaum Author
This delves into what alien life might be like, based on the universal scientific principles that govern life on Earth…
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The Haunting of Alma Fielding: A True Ghost Story
by Kate Summerscale Author
The scene is London in 1938 — where and wherein a housewife witnesses a storm of chaos that at the time also…
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The Creative Act: A Way of Being
by Rick Rubin Author
Acclaimed music producer Rick Rubin is well-known for creating a creative space where artists can fully explore their…
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Coffeeland: One Man's Dark Empire and the Making of Our Favorite Drug
by Augustine Sedgewick Author
Imagine your typical morning routine: you stumble out of bed, groggy-eyed, and head straight for that lifesaving cup of…
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Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World
Parking: We all hate it. Massive lots of land dedicated to temporary car storage, which often don't even have enough…
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The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
by Gertrude Stein Author and Maira Kalman Illustrator
A beautifully illustrated edition of Gertrude Stein's most well-known work, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, widely…
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Churchill & Orwell: The Fight for Freedom
by Thomas E. Ricks Author
This unique dual biography tells the stories of George Orwell and Winston Churchill, now considered two of the most…
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Cake: A Cookbook
by Maria Kalman Author and Barbara Scott-Goodman Author
This book is a celebration of a timeless dessert. Combining beautiful illustrations and reminiscences of special places…
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Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked
by Adam Alter Author
Can't stop staring at your smartphone or tablet? Spend hours browsing stupid videos on YouTube and binge watching shows…
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Galileo's Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science
by Alice Dreger Author
In an impassioned defense of intellectual freedom and a clarion call to intellectual responsibility, Galileo’s Middle…
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