Galileo's Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science
by Alice Dreger Author
In an impassioned defense of intellectual freedom and a clarion call to intellectual responsibility, Galileo’s Middle Finger is an eye-opening story of life deep in the trenches of scientific controversy.
For two decades, historian Alice Dreger has led a life of extraordinary engagement, combining her activist service to victims of unethical medical practices and research with the defense of truth-seeking scientists whose work has outraged identity politics activists. With spirit and wit, Dreger offers in Galileo’s Middle Finger an unforgettable vision of the importance of rigorous truth seeking in today’s America, where both the free press and free scholarly inquiry struggle under dire economic and political threats.
(When we ordered this title, it was in response to a customer request and we obviously did not know about and do not endorse the author's anti-transgender views. We will not be restocking these when they are sold out.)
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