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Wine Science
by Jaime Goode Author
All-encompassing manual about the intricacies of wine making. Goode takes the complex processes and makes it asscesible…
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The Longevity Bible
by Susannah Marriott Author
This book offers a holistic look at aging and what we can do to age better. LEarn how the ageing process works and what…
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Natural Health Bible
by Michael van Straten Author
Learn how herbs, plants, and spices can boost health and act as complementary medicine. This book profiles supplements…
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The Tarot: Reconnect With You -- A comprehensive introduction to the Tarot and illustrated Tarot deck
This beautifully illustrated modern deck will help you discover the power of the Tarot. Includes a comprehensive…
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Crystal Experience: Your Complete Crystal Workshop
by Judy Hall Author
A practical guide to crystals, including a step-by-step guide to understanding the wisdom of crystal lore. More than a…
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Seaweed Cookbook: Discover the health benefits and uses of seaweed, with 50 delicious recipes
by Nicole Pisani Author and Kate Adams Author
Discover fifty recipes showcasing seaweed and its benefits, including its positive impact on metabolism and its value…
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Inner Magic: A Guide to Modern Witchcraft
by Ann-Marie Gallagher Author
This book teaches how to weave rituals and spellwork into your life and how to use them to find your inner magic. Learn…
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Test Your Dog's IQ
by David Taylor Author
Your dog seems like a clever boy, but how bright is he, really? Test and challenge your dog's memory and ability to…
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