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Everyday Folklore: An Almanac for the Ritual Year
by Liza Frank Author
This book contains daily folklore ideas for the curious and adventurous! Explore any date and discover suggested…
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Healing You: A Journal for Reflection
by Jennie Liljefors Author
This giftable journal is for recording thoughts and reflections, interspersed with tips, advice, and exercises for…
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Baking With Pride
by Janusz Domagala Author
This vibrant collection of 100 sweet recipes is a joyful celebration of Pride and self-expression. With a wide variety…
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The Greatfulness Guide: How to Think Not What to Think
by Jacqui Jones Author
This is a mental wellness toolkit for tweens that teaches life skills through gratitude. This guide is a practical and…
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The 14 Day Mind Cleanse: Your Step-By-Step Detox for More Clarity, Focus and Joy
by Jacqui Lewis Author
This two-week program is design to enhance the reader’s clarity on their life, strengthen their mind’s connection to…
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Backyard to Backpack: A solo mum, a six year old and a life-changing adventure
by Evie Farrell Author
Drained from a demanding job in the corporate world, Evie Farrell sold most of her possessions, rented out her house,…
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Slow Down and Grow Something: The Urban Grower's Recipe for the Good Life
by Byron Smith Author and Tess Robinson Author
Cities are great because you can walk to the grocery store, see live theatre, and use public transportation. But it's…
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The M Word
by Ginni Mansberg Author
A scientific handbook on menopause. What is happening to the body and how through understanding menopause you can learn…
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Vegan Style
by Sascha Camilli Author
For the vegan looking to make their whole life plant-based, this book can direct you towards the resources you need to…
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The Bee Friendly Garden: Easy ways to help the bees and make your garden grow
by Doug Purdie Author
Here is your chance to help out these docile but often misunderstood pollinators, the bees. This book is a guide for all…
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Make It Happen: Manifest the Life of Your Dreams
by Jordanna Levin Author
A guide to manifestation for a new generation. Everyone can manifest and we're all doing it-every second of every…
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Period Queen: Life hack your cycle to own your power all month long
by Lucy Peach Author
What's the worst thing about being a woman? Wrong! Now it's the best with your four period superpowers! Like the…
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The First Move: Break the Dating Rules to Find a Bigger Love and Better Life
by Emily Brooks Author
A social critique and self-help guide for women looking for decent men and equality in a relationship. Women are told…
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