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Climate Grief: From Coping to Resilience and Action
by Shawna Weaver Author
Climate change is heavy, and feeling a deep sense of grief over our environmental failures is a natural and reasonable…
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Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Reflections on the Liberation of Animals
by Steven Best Editor and Anthony J. Nocella Editor
This anthology covers the history, politics, tactics and ethics of a few different animal rights activist organizations…
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The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World without Losing Your Way
by Hillary Rettig Author
This book is a guide to a productive and joyful life led by values and activism. It will lay out instructions and a…
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La Dieta de la Paz Mundial: Comer para la salud espiritual y la armonia social
by Will Tuttle Author
Sea cual sea sus creencias éticas o religión, el autor Will Tuttle tiene por ámbito ofrecernos una manera de como…
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Changing the Game (New Revised and Updated Edition)
by Norm Phelps Author
This new version compiles recent writings from a prominent figure in the animal advocacy movement and includes a fully…
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The Animal Activist's Handbook: Maximizing Our Positive Impact in Today's World
by Matt Ball Author and Bruce Friedrich Author
This handbook will guide the reader to begin to be a better advocate for the rights of animals, in a thoughtful and…
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The Philosophy of Animal Rights
by Mylan Engle Author
This book, a collaboration between two professors and animal rights activists, serves a primer marketed to students and…
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Confessions of an Animal Rights Terrorist
by Karen Levenson Author
Karen's passion—and profession—working to end Canadian seal hunts resulted in two government agents showing up at…
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Racism As Zoological Witchcraft: A Guide to Getting Out
by Aph Ko Author
A compelling vision of a new social justice movement that breaks down silos and conflicts between activists'…
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Sistah Vegan: Black Women Speak on Food, Identity, Health, and Society
by A. Breeze Harper Author
This collection of essays brings together the voices of a myriad of Black-identified vegans to speak to the ways in…
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Aphro-ism: Essays on Pop Culture, Feminism, and Black Veganism from Two Sisters
by Aph Ko Author and Syl Ko Author
In this provocative collection of essays, the two sisters Aph and Syl Ko tackle issues ranging from animal rights and…
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