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Crystals, Jewels, Stones: Magic & Science
by Isidore Kozminsky Author and Stuart Weinberg Foreword
This comprehensive study delves into the lore and science of precious and semi-precious stones and crystals,…
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Dervish Yoga for Health and Longevity: Samadeva Gestural Euphony -- the Seven Major Arkanas
by Emma Thyloch Author
This volume details the sacred exercises of Samadeva, otherwise known as the seven fundamental arcana, exercises similar…
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Astrology for Yourself: How to Understand and Interpret Your Own Birth Chart
by Douglas Bloch Author and Demetra George Author
This depthy primer introduces you to the language & background of astrology, then guides your through a series of steps…
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Elucidation of Necromancy: Lucidarium Artis Nigromantice attributed to Peter of Abano
by Joseph H. Peterson Translator and Peter of Abano Author
Estimated to be over 500 years old, this text and the Heptameron (also included here) have been considered essential…
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