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Forever and Everything #8
by Kyle Bravo Author
The laughs (and tears) continue in this eighth installment of Forever and Everything. In comic aphorisms, artist,…
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Forever and Everything #7: The "Obligatory Coronavirus" Issue
by Kyle Bravo Author
Diary comics don't stop for a global pandemic! Kyle departs from his usual pastiche of vignettes to tell the narrative…
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Forever and Everything #6: The "Pre-Pandemic Naivete" Issue
by Kyle Bravo Author
Kyle's been drawing these comics with snapshots of his daily life as a dad, teacher, cartoonist, and person in the world…
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Forever and Everything #5: The "Feeling Bad Then Feeling Better" Issue
by Kyle Bravo Author
Kyle's ongoing diary comics series shows him navigating life at 40, which is filled with many downs, but a few good…
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Forever and Everything #3
by Kyle Bravo Author
Kyle Bravo's diary comics describe the ups and downs and joys of everyday life. In this issue, it's 2017, his kid is 2…
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Forever and Everything #2
by Kyle Bravo Author
Kyle Bravo is back in this second issue of Forever and Everything. You'll be chuckling along as Kyle battles with…
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