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Not the Israel My Parents Promised Me
by Joyce Brabner Author, Harvey Pekar Author and JT Waldman Illustrator
A story that simultaneously blends autobiography, history, art, graphic novel, this is the story of the author Harvey…
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The Stuff of Life: A Graphic Guide to Genetics and DNA
by Mark Schultz Author, Zander Cannon Illustrator and Kevin Cannon Illustrator
This engaging and humorous introduction to genetics is explained through the eyes of an alien scientist, Bloort 183, who…
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The United States Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation
by Jonathan Hennessey Author and Aaron McConnell Author
Why wade through a loathsome history textbook when you can get an equivalent conceptual grasp through a comic book? The…
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Good Germs, Bad Germs: Health and Survival in a Bacterial World
by Jessica Snyder Sachs Author
Public sanitation and antibiotic drugs have increased human life span, but they’ve also disrupted the balance between…
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Amazing Decisions: The Illustrated Guide to Improving Business Deals and Family Meals
by Dan Ariely Author
This graphic novel provides guidance in solid decision-making through a playful presentation of Dan Ariely's work in…
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