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Classic Cocktail Bible
by Spruce Author
Explore 80 iconic cocktails and the legendary bars that popularized them in this comprehensive guide. Each recipe…
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Healing Energies of Water: Exploring Water's Essential Role in Healing the Body and Calming the Mind
by Charlie Ryrie Author
The goal of this book is to inform and make the reader mindful of the ways we use water, both at home and outside, for…
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Moon: 365 Reflections
by Pyramid Author
This volume explores the legends, mythology, and history surrounding the moon as an object that symbolizes adventure,…
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Drink Me Now: 150 cocktails for any emergency
Whether you're looking for a weekend treat, something sweet, or a pick-me-up in the middle of the week, this book will…
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Coffee: It's not rocket science
by Sebastien Racineux Author
Illustrated and informative guide that presents a whole new way to understand and enjoy coffee. Full of detailed…
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Power Animals: For Guidance, Protection and Healing
by Madonna Gauding Author
Illustrated book that will teach you how to discover the symbolism and significance of 75 animals and mystical…
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Natural Highs: Remedies, Rituals and Techniques to Banish Everyday Energy Lows
by Mary Lambert Author
We all know the experience of those down times of the day, when we just feel wiped and tired no matter what we need to…
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You Have the Power: Affirmations to change your life
This is a collection of beautiful and brave statement to remind you just how important and wonderful you are. Positive,…
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50 Ways to Kill a Slug: Serious and Silly Ways to Kill or Outwit the Garden's Number One Enemy
by Sarah Ford Author
Amusingly written and illustrated with cartoons, this guide to 50 slug-beaters will help you win the war against the…
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