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Reiki Shamanism: A Guide to Out-of-Body Healing
by Jim PathFinder Ewing Author
This guide, presented by an expert in both Reiki and shamanism, teaches anyone with basic knowledge of the practice on…
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Medicine Hands Therapists Workbook and Journal: Activities to Deepen Oncology Massage Practice
by Gayle MacDonald Author
This workbook and journal is designed to complement the textbook "Medicine Hands" by providing a hands-on, self-paced…
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Shamanic Power Animal Oracle Cards: 44 Oracle Cards and Guidebook Set (Opening2Intuition)
by Kim Roberts Author and Lucy Byatt Author
This oracle card set explores the concept of power animals and their role as guides offering valuable messages. It…
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The Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards
by Margaret Ann Lembo Author
Gemstones, tools for personal understanding, convey messages to motivate and heal. This deck of 44 oracle cards by…
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Healing Plants and Animals from a Distance: Curative Principles and Applications
by Jim PathFinder Ewing Author
This book explores the concept of harnessing simple rituals rooted in shamanism, spirituality, religion, Native American…
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Unfolding Our Light: Creating Crystal Mandalas to Awaken and Heal (Crystal Oversoul Attunements)
by Michael Eastwood Author
This book presents a new vision for humanity’s awakening, considering changes to traditional aura and chakra models.…
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The Findhorn Garden Story: Inspired Color Photos Reveal the Magic
by The Findhorn Community Author
This updated spiritual classic chronicles the history and philosophy of Scotland's Findhorn Community, which began over…
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Conscious Confidence: Use the Wisdom of Sanskrit to Find Clarity & Success
by Sarah Mane Author
If you believe that a language can contain rather than merely relate Truths, then Conscious Confidence will be a…
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The Gift of Forgiveness: A Magical Encounter with don Miguel Ruiz
by Olivier Clerc Author
This guide explores a transformative approach to forgiveness encountered at a Toltec workshop in Teotihuacán, Mexico.…
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The Bicycle Effect: Cycling as Meditation
by Juan Carlos Kreimer Author
The bicycle, beyond its practical uses as a means of transportation, exercise, and recreation, offers a profound avenue…
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Earth Alchemy: Aligning Your Home with Nature’s Energies
by Anne Parker Author and Dominique Susani Author
Transform your space—and your life—through the day-to-day application of the lost art of European earth-energy work.…
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Change Your Story, Change Your Life: Using Shamanic and Jungian Tools to Achieve Personal Transformation
by Carl Greer Author
We all have our own life story, but what we might not realize is that we're the ones in control of that story, and we…
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Voyage of Purpose: Spiritual Wisdom from Near-Death back to Life
by David Bennett Author
This is the life story of a man that overcame deadly odds and life adversity on multiple occasions, in the words of the…
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Masters, Mystics, Saints & Gemstone Guardians Cards
by Margaret Ann Lembo Author
If you can find the right crystals, rocks, and minerals, maybe you can channel the extant energies of previous masters,…
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The Quantum Akashic Field: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences for the Astral Traveler
by Jim Willis Author
It is thought that there is a whole other quantum-based reality in a multidimensional world where all potentials can…
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Birthing A New Civilization: Transition to the New Golden Age in 2032
by Diana Cooper Author
This examines humanity's current evolutionary phase as it transitions toward 2032, focusing on the new spiritual…
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Healing With Past Life Therapy: Transformational Journeys Through Time and Space
by Lorraine Flaherty Author
This self-help guide will walk readers through understanding who they may have been in past lives. With incorporated…
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