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Animal Totems And The Gemstone Kingdom
by Margaret Ann Lembo Author
In this book, author Margaret Ann Lembo shares the wisdom of animals and their corresponding gemstones. She provides…
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Essential Oils & Gemstone Guardians Cards
by Margaret Ann Lembo Author
This deck combines the use of essential oils and vibrationally matching crystals to help amplify intentions and promote…
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The Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards
by Margaret Ann Lembo Author
Gemstones, tools for personal understanding, convey messages to motivate and heal. This deck of 44 oracle cards by…
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Color Your Life with Crystals: Your First Guide to Crystals, Colors and Chakras
by Margaret Ann Lembo Author
This beginner’s guide to crystals, marketed for ages 7 to 14, introduces children to gemology. It covers crystal…
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Masters, Mystics, Saints & Gemstone Guardians Cards
by Margaret Ann Lembo Author
If you can find the right crystals, rocks, and minerals, maybe you can channel the extant energies of previous masters,…
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The Essential Guide to Everyday Angels
by Margaret Ann Lembo Author
Tips and techniques to connect with angels and get help from them on everything from balance to abundance to…
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Crystals Beyond Beginners: Awaken Your Consciousness with Precious Gifts from the Earth
by Margaret Ann Lembo Author
If you've started dabbling in crystal magic and want to learn more than just the basics, this book has you covered.…
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