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Ho'oponopono and Family Constellations: A traditional Hawaiian healing method for relationships, forgiveness and love
by Ulrich E. Duprée Author
This book introduces a healing method using the Hawaiian reconciliation ritual to forgive oneself and others. Combining…
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Color Your Life with Crystals: Your First Guide to Crystals, Colors and Chakras
by Margaret Ann Lembo Author
This beginner’s guide to crystals, marketed for ages 7 to 14, introduces children to gemology. It covers crystal…
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by Ulrich E. Duprée Author
Hawaiian ritual of forgiveness aimed at creating positive change in daily life. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of…
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The Little Book of Dragons: Finding Your Spirit Guide
by Christine Arana Fader Author
Christine Arana Fader believes that everyone has their own spiritual dragon - a close and personal companion who will…
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Purifying Crystals: How to Clear, Charge and Purify Your Healing Crystals
by Michael Gienger Author
Your guide to understanding crystals, with helpful advice on cleansing, purifying, them, and their many uses. This book…
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The Healing Crystals First Aid Manual: A Practical A to Z of Common Ailments and Illnesses and How They Can Be Best Treated with Crystal Therapy
by Michael Gienger Author
Crystals—their healing energies have been used for millennia. This book features over 100 common ailments, from acne…
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Twelve Essential Healing Crystals: Your first aid manual for preventing and treating common ailments from allergies to toothache
by Michael Gienger Author
Learn how to treat common ailments with just 12 simple stones! This guide is simple and easy to reference, showing the…
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Awakening Your Crystals: Activate the Higher Potential of Healing Stones
by Sharon L. McAllister Author
Are crystals just pretty rocks or can you program them to unlock their potential powers? If you believe in the latter…
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Animal Spirit Wisdom: A Pocket Reference to 45 Power Animals
by Elke Kirchner-Young Author and Phillip Kansa Author
Drawing heavily from indigenous traditions and spiritual beliefs, this full-color pocket guide explores 45 different…
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The Miracle Problem Solver: Using Crystals and the power of Sedona to transform your life
by Kira Klenke Author
This book wants to connect universal wisdom to anyone looking to heal their lives with a few easy steps. Using crystal…
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