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Everything But the Burden: What White People Are Taking From Black Culture
by Greg Tate Author and Various Author
A series of essays by various writers, studying the history of white people appropriating music, fashion, ideas,…
$19.00 8 comments
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Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America
by Robert Whitaker Author
In the past twenty years, the number of disabled mentally ill people in the United States has tripled. In this work,…
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Road to Valor: A True Story of WWII Italy, the Nazis, and the Cyclist Who Inspired a Nation
by Aili McConnon Author and Andres McConnon Author
Italian cyclist, Gino Bartali is well known for winning the Tour de France twice in his lifetime, once in 1938 and again…
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Better Than Before: What I Learned About Making and Breaking Habits—to Sleep More, Quit Sugar, Procrastinate Less, and Generally Build a Happier Life
by Gretchen Rubin Author
Not entirely satisfied with your typical day? Well, everyday life can be broken down into the small, persistent unit of…
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Be Different: My Adventures with Asperger's and My Advice for Fellow Aspergians, Misfits, Families, and Teachers
by John Elder Robison Author
Living life as a neuro-diverse person has its ups and downs when it comes to reaching your full potential. It can be…
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Ready Player One: A Novel
by Ernest Cline Author
We listened to this audiobook on tour one year, and can vouch that this is an exciting story of futuristic nerdery and…
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