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Mushroom Foraging and Feasting: Recollections and Recipes from a Lifetime on the Hunt
by Victoria Romanoff Author
A lifelong mushroom forager shares instructions, advice, stories, recipes, and lore for anyone interested in…
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Video Games: From Pong to the PS5
by Nicolò Mulas Marcello Author and Alberto Bertolazzi Author
This visually stunning history chronicles the evolution of video games from their inception in 1958 to the present day,…
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Healing Plants: From Elizabeth Blackwell's A Curious Herbal
by Marta McDowell Author
This tiny treasury of medicinal plants contains information and illustration of healing plants as originally documented…
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From Angels to Werewolves: Animal-Human Hybrids in Myth and Art
by Philip F. Palmedo Author
This book is for mythology fans, as this delves into a very specific area of myth and folklore: animal-human hybrids:…
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Tea Drinker's Handbook
by François-Xavier Delmas Author, Mathias Minet Author and Christine Barbaste Author
Though tea is one of the most-consumed beverages in the world, second only to water, it is far from mundane. The…
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by Fred Albert Author
Every dog deserves a miniature abode to call their own. From elegant chateaus to modernist boxes, this book showcases…
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A Curious Herbal: Elizabeth Blackwell's Pioneering Masterpiece of Botanical Art
by Marta McDowell Editor and Elizabeth Blackwell Illustrator
The first herbal published by a woman, A Curious Herbal was originally published in the 1730s and was a comprehensive…
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Mushrooms: An Abbeville Notecard Set
by Editors of Abbeville Press Author
Fans of mushrooms will get a kick out of this set of sixteen notecards featuring color engravings of various fungi from…
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