Patch #148Dykes Feel No Guilt!
by Cristy C. Road Author
Guilt is the patriarchy's tool to keep you down. It tries to tie us up and put us into tiny boxes of segregation. But finally, we are becoming more unified and voicing our beliefs. Not the beliefs of those in power. Desire will set you free. Your will to be free will help others know they are loved. And this patch bundles all of that into one. So why not get one?
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Comments & Reviews
why pick apart a patch? let it be what you think it is, girl girl, boy boy, boy girl.. its all beautiful, maybe there drunk or maybe a sugar buzz? eh?
np, It's actually two girls making out. Hence the title "Dykes Feel No Shame!" Totally badass!
what makes you assume it's a beer bottle? and even if it is, should people feel guilt in that particular desire(the desire to alter consciousness or somesuch hippy bullshit), but not others? and from what i can see, there is no way to confirm the biological gender of either of these people. they could both be male or female or neither...stop projecting your own insecurities and prejudices onto other people's art
why does she have a beer bottle in her hand? doesn't that contradict the message of this patch... and for that matter, why does only the female one involve alcohol, but not the male one?
I am pretty disappointed with this one. They look way too much like drunk girls making out in front of people than two women who are actually into each other.
The one with the two men is much sweeter and seems more real.
I love this image so much. I got a boys one for my partner and was sad that there was not one with ladies for me.. and now there is!!!!! <3 <3
i used this image as a flyer for my wedding party. thanks Christy Roads
I want one hundred million times one thousand and two.