Illustrations of a lemon, crescent moon, and a cup of tea

The Ayurvedic Self-Care Handbook: Holistic Healing Rituals for Every Day and Season

by Sarah Kucera Author and Suhas Kshirsagar Foreword

Get that raise; get good grades; make more money; squash your rivals! If, like many others, you feel bogged down in an era where your accomplishments seem to define you, this book will help you to reconsider your place in a more natural world. Written by chiropractor, yoga instructor, and experienced Ayurvedic practitioner Sarah Kucera, this book breaks down Ayurveda healing in a way that's easy to incorporate into one's own daily life. Filled with strategies to ease into an Ayurvedic lifestyle, each ritual is clearly explained, with most being within the three to five-minute range. Whether you're matching your schedule to a more natural ayurvedic rhythm, or are trying to eat foods that comply with your body's seasonal desires, this book offers great insight for those who are beginning their path towards Ayurvedic wellness, or for seasoned veterans who just want a bit of a refresher.