Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder
by Randi Kreger Author and Paul Mason Author
Is there someone in your life with bad boundaries, unreasonable and inconsistent demands, a terror of abandonment, a manipulative flair, and one day they love you and the next they hate you? Whether or not they've been diagnosed (or if some other issue is going on entirely), this book is incredibly helpful for learning to live with this sort of behavior. It helps you understand the why of the behavior, helps you work out what you are getting out of the relationship (or wish you were), then provides practical advice (and scripts!) for how to protect yourself with limits and boundaries, create a loving environment for recovery if that's what the person wants, and know when—and how to safely—walk away. This book has "borderline" in the title, but it doesn't define or stigmatize people by their diagnosis, and you don't have to decide if a person is or isn't BPD in order to learn valuable social skills to apply to a wide range of difficult interactions and relationships.
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