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Angel Tarot
by Travis McHenry Author
Explore a unique set of 72 angel cards based on the Kabbalistic Shem HaMephorash, which unveils the mystical power of…
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Egyptian Star Oracle
by Travis McHenry Author
This is a unique oracle deck that exclusively features authentic Egyptian artwork, spells, and meanings, focusing on the…
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Demon of the Day
by Travis McHenry Author
Tarot scholar and author Travis McHenry has published several tarot decks in the past proving his mastery of the skill.…
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Magicians, Martyrs, and Madmen Tarot
by Travis McHenry Author
A deck of magical, miraculous, and macabre figures from history, to help guide you on your intuitive journey. With 80…
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The Hieronymus Bosch Tarot
by Travis McHenry Author
The shocking, surreal, delightful art of brilliant 15th Century Dutch painter Bosch adorns these 78 tarot cards, with…
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Vlad Dracula Tarot
by Travis McHenry Author
This 78-card tarot deck centers on the story of Vlad the Impaler, the infamous ruler of medieval Romania, who inspired…
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Occult Tarot
by Travis McHenry Author
In this hauntingly beautiful tarot deck by author and illustrator Travis McHenry, explore the darker side of…
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