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The First Alchemists: The Spiritual and Practical Origins of the Noble and Holy Art
by Tobias Churton Author
Learn about the oldest alchemical texts and early alchemical practices in this book by one of the leading authorities…
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Gnostic Mysteries of Sex: Sophia the Wild One and Erotic Christianity
by Tobias Churton Author
Gnostic Mysteries of Sex is, as you'd expect, an exploration of Gnostic sexual practices and secrets. Author Tobias…
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Occult Paris: The Lost Magic of the Belle Époque
by Tobias Churton Author
Ideal for idle reading with Edward Satie playing in the background, scholar of esotericism Tobias Churton will transport…
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The Spiritual Meaning Of The Sixties: The Magic, Myth, and Music of the Decade That Changed the World
by Tobias Churton Author
In this unveiling of the spiritual meaning that helped fuel the artistic, political, and social revolutions of the…
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Aleister Crowley In India: The Secret Influence of Eastern Mysticism on Magic and the Occult
by Tobias Churton Author
Aleister Crowley is known for his experimental absorption of Indian mystic practices, which went on to influence his own…
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