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Tim Kerr is a Texas based artist and musician, hailing from Austin, Texas, where he attended UT and received a degree in Painting and Photography. After college, he became very involved in the early Texas punk scene. The Big Boys, Poison 13, Bad Mutha Goose, Lord High Fixers, and Monkey Wrench are just some of the bands Tim was a founding member of. Tim was inducted into the Texas Hall of Fame in 1996, and still continues to play old time music and Irish music with friends.
Tim's primary focus is now on his art work and painting and you can find his art on album covers, posters, skateboard graphics, and advertisements and a book devoted to Tim's art has been reissued through Monofonus Press. Tim's artwork has shown from the US to Germany and many places in between, and has also painted murals in Texas, New York, Tennessee, and California. Through all of his life, he has never felt comfortable with labels and their restrictions. He is painting more than ever but also still finds time to play music music with friends in Austin and wherever his travels take him. In Tim’s own words, "I'm not dead yet. I am still active and as proud as I am of all that has happened before, I hope I have not seen the best thing yet.”

Self Taught
by Tim Kerr Author and Julie Webb Foreword
The long-awaited book from outsider punk artist Tim Kerr. Self Taught is a collection of toy camera photos of Visionary…
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