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The New York Times Southpaw Solvers: 100 Easy to Hard Crossword Puzzles for Lefties
by The New York Times Author and Will Shortz Author
This book features 100 puzzles, from easy to challenging, designed for left-handed solvers. Left-handed solvers often…
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Puzzle It Out: 200 Easy to Hard Crossword Puzzles (The New York Times)
by The New York Times Author and Will Shortz Editor
In this convenient, travel-size paperback, you'll get 200 crossword puzzles, gradually increasing in difficulty level.…
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The New York Times and a Crossword in a Pear Tree
by The New York Times Author and Will Shortz Editor
Keep your mind sharp with 200 easy-to-hard crossword puzzles complied by the New York Times. With fresh wordplay,…
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The New York Times Classic Crossword Puzzles (Blue and Yellow): 100 Puzzles Edited by Will Shortz
by The New York Times Author and Will Shortz Author
From the ultimate crossword puzzler comes this collection of 100 puzzles. Will Shortz has made a name for himself as a…
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