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Sticker #271No Child Is Born a Racist
by Steven Stothard Author
This sticker is a powerful reminder, and important call to action. Race is a cultural construct, not a biological fact.…
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Sticker #266Abolish Prisons
by Steven Stothard Author
Prisons are racist, classist, and philosophically immoral. When people are put behind bars, the only ones who benefit…
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Sticker #257Support Your Local Infoshop
by Steven Stothard Author
Infoshops! They're overflowing with radical ideas, books, resources, flyers, zines, community, you name it! The only…
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Sticker #258This Life Is What You Make It
by Steven Stothard Illustrator and Ginger Alford Author
You are a product of your environment; you are also ultimately responsible for your own thoughts and actions. (Sturdy…
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Sticker #272Keep Warm, Burn Out The Rich
by Steven Stothard Author
When we can no longer afford our heating bills, at least we'll have the rich left to burn! Let's make sure that they…
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Sticker #268Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act
by Steven Stothard Author
Sometimes telling the truth is so hard, and it always takes a whole lot of courage. But telling the truth has been the…
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Sticker #267Life Is Either a Daring Adventure or Nothing
by Steven Stothard Author
If anyone knew anything about anything, it was Helen Keller. With this quote, she gives us a choice: live life to the…
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The Zine Yearbook #9
by Joe Biel Editor, Steven Stothard Editor, Sparky Taylor Editor, Dillon V. Editor and Brittney Willis Editor
The Zine Yearbook #9 contains a representative collection of reprints from zines published in 2007 and also a pulse…
$12.00 9 comments
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