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Shannon Wheeler lives in Portland, OR with his bees and other creatures. He cartoons daily with work appearing in alternative newspapers, The New Yorker, MAD, The Onion, and Pendulous Breasts Quarterly. He is the recipient of several Eisner Awards. Currently. Currently, he's working on collecting his early mini-comics in a book called Too Much Coffee Man Saves the Universe and Other Mistakes.

Too Much Coffee Man Saves the Universe (And Other Mistakes)
by Shannon Wheeler Author
Brace yourself for a new Too Much Coffee Man collection from Eisner Award winning and New Yorker cartoonist Shannon…

Too Much Coffee Man: The Original Comic Books #1-9
by Shannon Wheeler Author
Starting out as a mini-comic character, Too Much Coffee Man turned into a long-running newspaper strip, Eisner-winning…
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Mueller Report: Graphic Novel
by Shannon Wheeler Author and Steve Duin Author
This graphic novel presents a comprehensive and readable version 400-page legal document created by the Meuller…
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God is Disappointed in You
by Mark Russell Author and Shannon Wheeler Author
Mark Russell, in his preface to God is Disappointed in You, states that his goal in writing this book is to share the…
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