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Set Sytes was born in the misty, Arthurian woods of England and was raised by bears. He never grew up, meaning that his ambition is still to become Emperor of the Known Universe (to start with). When he’s not spending his time plotting how best to achieve this and more, he is composing stories – warnings of sorts, as to what we might expect when he finally succeeds in breaking down the barriers between worlds.
Set has authored many stories of darkness and weirdness and flights of fancy, including the adult sci-fi/fantasy The Fifth Place series, the pirate fantasy India Bones series, the twisted dystopian thriller Moral Zero, and the fantasy/horror short story collections of Faces in the Dark and Born to be Weird. He is also the author of the non-fiction anti-depression handbook How Not to Kill Yourself: A Survival Guide for Imaginative Pessimists.
For updates on his books (and assorted other weirdness), you can follow Set Sytes on Twitter @setsytes
For something more in-depth, you can also drop by his website:

$15-45 Superpack: Care Package
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Super Pack! Author, Set Sytes Author and Cindy Crabb Author
Devastated by world news? The season or events in your life got you down? Or are there other things in life punching…
$25.00 $25.00

Born to Be Weird: Demented Fantasy and Bizarro Horror
by Set Sytes Author
A public restroom even more horrific than most, with a stained toilet that can swallow a man whole, sending him to a…
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How Not to Kill Yourself: A Survival Guide for Imaginative Pessimists
by Set Sytes Author with Dr. Faith G. Harper
Are you inclined to escape the crumminess of everyday life into fantasy worlds? Are you smart and imaginative in a way…
$12.95 7 comments
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(We’ve All Got) Baggage: Envisioning an Ideal Community and Engaging It With Our Own Problems and Hangups
by Dawson Barrett Author, Joe Biel Author, Joseph E. Green Author, Cheyenne Winters Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, 6 more
If Microcosm was a person, they'd be in their early twenties, chock full of the messy connotations that this era of…
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by Set Sytes Author
When scientists finally discover the Ultimate Secret of the meaning of life, existence, and everything, it’s time for…
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Faces in the Dark: A Short Collection of Paranoid Horror
by Set Sytes Author
A girl begins to question why she and her parents wear monstrous masks they have never, ever taken off, though she may…
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India Bones and the Ship of the Dead
by Set Sytes Author
The only really interesting thing about the little port town of Eyeless is that once every ten years, the mysterious…
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$25 Superpack: Depression First Aid Kit
by Sascha Altman DuBrul Author, Elly Blue Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Anika Ledlow Author, Super Pack! Author and Set Sytes Author
Hello, depression: an old friend we're never happy to see come around again. If you're in the depths or splashing around…
$45.00 $25.00