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Bushido: The Soul of the Samurai
by Inazo Nitobe Author, Sean Michael Wilson Author and Akiko Shimojima Author
Bushido is a classic originally published in 1905 that for many in the Western world served as an introduction to…
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Manga Yokai Stories: Ghostly Tales from Japan
by Lafcadio Hearn Author, Sean Michael Wilson Author and Inko Ai Takita Author
These classic Japanese ghost stories are based on the work of famed author Lafcadio Hearn between 1890 and 1904. Here,…
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Fight the Power!: A Visual History of Protest Among the English Speaking Peoples
by Benjamin Dickson Author, Hunt Emerson Author, Adam Pasion Author, John Spelling Author and Sean Michael Wilson Author
In Fight the Power!, comics authors Sean Michael Wilson and Benjamin Dickson team up with illustrators Hunt Emerson,…
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The Many Not the Few: An Illustrated History of Britain Shaped by the People
by Robert Brown Illustrator and Sean Michael Wilson Author
Told in simplified comic form, The Many Not the Few details the history of the working-class and labour history in…
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Parecomic: The Story of Michael Albert and Participatory Economics
by Noam Chomsky Author, Carl Thompson Author and Sean Michael Wilson Author
Written by Sean Michael Wilson, and drawn by Carl Thompson, PARECOMIC is about Michael Albert and his life's struggle as…
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