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Reid Chancellor is an artist and illustrator from Owensboro, KY. His previous work includes Hardcore Anxiety: A Graphic Guide to Punk Rock and Mental Health(2019) from Microcosm Publishing and Rock and Roll Terrorist (2020) also from Microcosm. He Kickstarted and self published Summer Vacation (2023), his first long-form fiction work. When he is not creating comics he is an established illustrator for gig posters and screen printing. He has been fortunate to work with artists like Descendents, Melvins, and Violent Femmes. As a kid he dreamed of playing music in front of millions of people, now he is perfectly happy reading, writing, and drawing comics with his wife and two cats by his side.

Hardcore Happiness: A Graphic Journey to Find Punk's Positivity
by Reid Chancellor Author
When you listen and scream along to your favorite punk or hardcore band, does that help your mental health or…
$16.99 1 comment
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GG Allin: Rock and Roll Terrorist Activity and Coloring Book
by Reid Chancellor Author
The first objective storytelling about one of rock’s most storied yet mysterious figures, these narrative activities…
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Rock and Roll Terrorist: The Graphic Life of Shock Rocker GG Allin
by Reid Chancellor Author
Born as Jesus Christ Allin and raised in rural isolation by a violently abusive religious fanatic, GG Allin grew up to…
$14.95 3 comments
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Hardcore Anxiety: A Graphic Guide to Punk Rock and Mental Health
by Reid Chancellor Author
Punk rock and mental health have been intertwined since the very beginning. Nervous breakdowns, anxiety, seeking…
$14.95 4 comments
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