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A Floral Grimoire: Plant Charms, Spells, Recipes, and Rituals
by Patricia Telesco Author
This updated guide to flower magic pairs the Victorian passion for flower meanings with witchy crafts and recipes!…
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A Victorian Grimoire
by Patricia Telesco Author
This grimoire is full of good spells, romantic and practical, from love charms to food magic found right there in your…
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Cat Magic: Mews, Myths, and Mystery
by Patricia Telesco Author
Cats have been an integral part of myths, legends, and history since, well, basically since there has been myths,…
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Kitchen Witch's Guide to Brews and Potions
by Patricia Telesco Author
In this indispensable tome for the magically and culinarily inclined, author Patricia Telesco teaches you how to brew…
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A Kitchen Witch's Cookbook
by Patricia Telesco Author
Food is an important part of day-to-day life. If you're looking to add a little magic to your daily routines, this book…
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