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As a Cartoonist
by Noah Van Sciver Author
In this collection of comic strips, artist and cartoonist Noah Van Sciver blends memoir and fiction, and offers the…
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Joseph Smith and the Mormons
by Noah Van Sciver Author
This full-color graphic novel tells the story of Joseph Smith, who founded the Church of Latter Day Saints through a…
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The Complete Works of Fante Bukowski
by Noah Van Sciver Author
In this amusing and incisive collection of graphic novels from author and illustrator Noah Van Sciver, follow the…
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Fante Bukowski [do not OOP or move to Limbo]
by Noah Van Sciver Author
In this amusing and incisive graphic novel from author and illustrator Noah Van Sciver, follow the hapless Fante…
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One Dirty Tree
by Noah Van Sciver Author
A graphic novel detailing author Noah Vam Sciver's life as a child, as well as the days leading up to his 30th birthday.…
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Henry & Glenn Forever & Ever #4
by Keenan Keller Contributor, Tom Neely Author, Johnny Ryan Contributor and Noah Van Sciver Contributor
In the final installment of the greatest love story ever told, about the domestic life of "Henry" and "Glenn" as well…
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