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Ascension Oracle: Connect to Your Sacred Light
by Nari Anastarsia Author
This oracle deck is designed to support individuals navigating a time of rapid and profound change, acting as a tool to…
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Blue Messiah Reading Cards
by Nari Anastarsia Author
An inspiring deck designed to offer a compass for our hearts during the current transformational shifts on Earth.…
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Cosmic Reading Cards: Activation Cards for the Soul (Reading Card Series)
by Nari Anastarsia Author
Nari Anastarsia was working in unison with Mother Earth herself to invoke the ancient, holy energy of love. The…
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Cosmic Oracle
by Nari Anastarsia Author
This deck is accessible to beginners of using divinatory/oracle cards and for seasoned users alike. These cards…
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Avatar Oracle: Cards for Inner Alchemy
by Nari Anastarsia Author
Another deck from the author Mari Anastarsia featuring Mother Earth as a central figure, this deck is intended for users…
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