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Creepy Krampus Sticker Book: 72 Reusable Stickers for Naughty Girls and Boys of All Ages
by Monte Beauchamp Author
Decorate your space and your stuff with this book of reusable Krampus-themed stickers. Krampus is a central…
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Krampus Playing Cards, Set Two
by Monte Beauchamp Author
Krampus, for the uninitiated, is the horned beast of Christmas. He helps St. Nikolaus by managing the misbehavers on his…
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Krampus Greeting Cards
by Monte Beauchamp Author
Devilish greeting cards featuring the Krampus, packaged in a deluxe metal tin. In the early Christmas traditions of…
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Krampus Greeting Cards Set Two
by Monte Beauchamp Author
These bright, colorful greeting cards carry with them an eerie humor. Krampus Greeting Cards Set Two includes ten sets…
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Krampus: The Devil of Christmas
by Monte Beauchamp Author
In the early Christmas traditions of Europe, the Krampus was St. Nicholas's servant—a hairy, horned, supernatural…
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Krampus Sticker Collection
by Monte Beauchamp Author
105 Krampus stickers for trouble-makers of any age! Perfect vintage designs and several shapes perfect for laptops,…
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Krampus Playing Cards
by Monte Beauchamp Author
Play all the games you love with regular cards (poker, blackjack, 52-card pick-up, etc.) Only do it with vintage,…
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