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Michelle Cooke is a senior staff writer for Chickasaw Press and a Chickasaw citizen. She has worked for the Chickasaw Nation since 2007, where her focus has been writing about, teaching, and researching Chickasaw history, language, and culture. She is the author of Protecting Our People: Chickasaw Law Enforcement in Indian Territory, published by Chickasaw Press in 2019. Her work has also appeared in The Journal of Chickasaw History and Culture, Chokma: Chickasaw Magazine, and the Chickasaw Basic Language workbook series. She studied English at Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas, and holds a master’s degree in that subject.

Listening To Our Elders
by Mike Larsen Author, Martha Larsen Author with Michelle Cooke
This third publication in Mike Larsen’s Elders of the Chickasaw Nation series gives tribute to Chickasaw elders…
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Chickasaw Basic Language: Workbook II
by Michelle Cooke Author
Learn basic Chickasaw vocabulary and grammar structure with the Chickasaw Basic Language series. Chickasaw Basic…
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Chickasaw Basic Language: Workbook I
by Michelle Cooke Author
Learn basic Chickasaw vocabulary and grammar structure with the Chickasaw Basic Language series. In Chickasaw Basic…
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Protecting Our People: Chickasaw Law Enforcement in Indian Territory
by with Michelle Cooke
Author Michelle Cooke provides a detailed look at Indian Territory law enforcement in the Chickasaw Nation through…
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